For those who know me, here’s a shocker…
Sometimes I say or write too much.
Sometimes I’m unclear.
I might drift off-point.
Sometimes I bring less than my best.
Then I’m challenged with identifying the issue(s) and making a course correction before developing a habit.
To help me in this endeavor, I’ve developed what I call The Four Corners. They form a box intended to preemptively shape my messages. Though they also help me review messages and learn from my mistakes.
Christmas is ripe with opportunities to share our most important message.
Why not improve our communication as we do?
1. Purposeful
What am I trying to communicate?
Why does it need to be communicated?
Is it a message worthy of the opportunity?
Is there a call to action?
2. Clear
Is my purpose clear?
Is the call to action clear?
How can I improve clarity?
Is any part of my message complex, cloudy or incomplete?
3. Less
Am I optimizing the attention I’ve been given?
Am I offering more than is wanted, needed, or can be processed?
Can I offer as much or more with less?
Have I filled my message with unnecessary words or thoughts?
Is it more than most want to read or hear?
4. Best
Given my circumstances, have I given my best?
Is it all true?
Have I honored God and others with what I have offered?
If this is the only message one receives from me, will this message represent my best?
Thanks Jesse. It's helping me, so hoping it will help others.
Good rules for writing. I used to teach philosophy and composition, and this list would have been useful for my students.