Sad, but true. The same with sex scandals, embezzlement, plagiarism, adultery, defamation, child abuse… Just start searching the headlines for high profile cases, then go just a bit farther back & you’ll find similar issues made public in the Church. We underestimate the influence God has given us, then we mishandle it & act as though the world has contaminated the church, taking a defensive posture.
Though in Matthew 16 & Mark 7, Jesus said that we, standing on his divinity, are in an offensive, rather than defensive role. Yet, we must learn to let Jesus, rather than the world, dictate what it looks like to be offensive. We are sojourners, not residents. We are passing through. We have nothing to defend, but many to rescue.
Brings to mind the stats on abortions within the church.
Sad, but true. The same with sex scandals, embezzlement, plagiarism, adultery, defamation, child abuse… Just start searching the headlines for high profile cases, then go just a bit farther back & you’ll find similar issues made public in the Church. We underestimate the influence God has given us, then we mishandle it & act as though the world has contaminated the church, taking a defensive posture.
Though in Matthew 16 & Mark 7, Jesus said that we, standing on his divinity, are in an offensive, rather than defensive role. Yet, we must learn to let Jesus, rather than the world, dictate what it looks like to be offensive. We are sojourners, not residents. We are passing through. We have nothing to defend, but many to rescue.